Amvel Heat Block umbrella (日本品牌 Amvel Heat Block 全遮光傘)

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WEIGHS ONLY 102 GRAMS 100% shading fabric Automatic umbrella Automatic opening and closing umbrella using 100% shading fabric. It is unisex and can be used as a umbrella. Use 100% shading fabric "HEAT BLOCK" has a two-layer structure in which a light shielding film is bonded to the back of the fabric. This two-layer structure achieves 100% shading. As long as the fabric is not torn, its shading effect is semipermanent. Regarding the light shielding performance, 100% light shielding has been confirmed by the third party inspection organization's inspection of the light shielding property. The inspection method is a device that evaluates the light shielding property of curtains, etc., and is implemented in accordance with JIS-L-1055 A method (equivalent to 100,000lux illuminance summer sunlight). UV protection is 99.9% It has been confirmed that UV shielding rate is 99.9% (maximum value) by UV measurement inspection by a third party inspection organization. The measurement wavelength is 280mm-400mm, using a band pass filter. Ultra-thin lightweight fabric that can be used in the rain The fabric is light and lightly modified by weaving with fine threads. The thickness of the yarn used in general umbrellas is 75 denier, but the fabric used for "HEAT BLOCK" is 15 denier, the same level as the thinness of the yarn used in stockings. Cleared 500 open / close endurance tests Although it is an automatic opening and closing umbrella that is easily broken due to its complicated structure, "SmoothAutomatic" has cleared 500 switching endurance tests. Third-party inspection organizations have demonstrated that they can be used without any problems even after endurance testing with 500 cycles of opening and closing at a rate of 6 times per minute. 【 產品特點 】 - 100%遮光及99.9%防UV - 遮光傘中目前世界上最輕量的一款,輕盈得只重102克 - 極致耐用,黏合遮光膜的方法製造,只要織物不破裂,遮光效果就是永久性的! - 傘布添加了防水塗層EASY-DRY,只需要揮動幾下,水珠Byebye, 雨傘乾得勁快! - 使用碳纖傘骨,可抵抗颱風級程度 結合100%遮光面料和碳纖維傘架!輕盈得只重102克!比手機更輕,是遮光傘中目前世界上最輕量的一款! 從此唔再怕太陽! 雙層結構,使用100%遮光物料黏合到傘布內層,實現100%遮光及99.9%防紫外線! 遮光性能經過第三方檢測機構証實,即時烈日當空下,高舉雨傘面向太陽依然’滴光不漏’ 其他雨傘 AMVEL晴雨兼用全能傘 極致耐用-半永久性的遮光效果 一般遮光傘是在織物表面塗紫外線吸收劑或在入面加上聚氨酯塗層以達至遮光/防UV效果,但依賴以上做法會由因塗層老化或剝離而效果消失, 而AMVEL晴雨兼用全能傘是通過黏合遮光膜的方法製造,所以只要織物不破裂,遮光效果就是半永久性的! 而且配合耐用抗風的碳纖傘骨,是一款可以長久伴你走過晴/雨天的雨傘 岩晒雨季日日帶係身使用! 摺疊後尺寸只有21x4cm,纖薄輕量極適合一直放入包裡放著,不阻位亦不會有重量壓力! 超級輕量的秘密-傘布 日本AMVEL公司採用了台灣製造的傘布,並將製造降落傘布料的方法應用於傘布上,使其保持輕薄之外更可防99.9%UV,而且比一般傘布更強韌耐用! 不只輕薄而強韌 傘布更添加了防水塗層EASY-DRY.通過納米技術將防水塗層深入到纖維中, 令到雨水在傘布上形成一顆顆水珠滑落!只需要揮動幾下,水珠Byebye, 雨傘乾得勁快! 即使輕盈卻異常強壯! 有別於一般雨傘使用的玻璃纖維傘架, AMVEL使用的是比金屬更輕卻更高強度的碳纖!可抵抗颱風級程度, 通過反覆風阻測試承受高達15 m/ s的風速亦不會吹爛,非常耐用!

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