O2 Care Portable UV Toothbrush Sterilizer DCO2C-02 / DCO2C-04 (韓國品牌 O2 Care 便攜牙刷 UV 消毒機)

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Key features: • Oral bacteria 99.9% Sterilized • Dual cold-cathode tube 253mm UV Sterilization Lamp makes it use semi-permanently. • Toothbrush leaving fixture is designed to be toothbrush stable and protect brush heads from infection. • More economic and efficient 2x AAA batteries • Automatic shut-off system 【 產品特點 】 - O2 Care 能殺滅99.9%包含綠膿桿菌,葡萄球菌,沙門氏菌及大腸桿菌等的700種細菌 - 輕量方便便攜外出 - 無需更換UV燈,可永久使用 - 設有坑位可釋放多餘水份,不會殘存異味 - 只需使用2粒3A電池即可使用50天 - 簡單操作,放入牙刷後消毒7分鐘即會自動關機

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