關於我們 / About Us



*** 請注意: THIS ITEM IS NOT FOR SALES 此項不是銷售產品 *** Map: www.google.com/maps/place/Geeker+Group+Limited+%E6%A5%B5%E5%AE%A2%E8%B0%B7+(Geekermart)/@22.3099421,114.2237655,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x34040145c2c99fa3:0x3ec4ecdf54579728!8m2!3d22.3099421!4d114.2259542 歡迎來到 Geeker Group Limited 官方購物網站 - GeekerMart ! 關於我們 : GeekerMart 的成立源於對安全、快速、輕易、負責任、互動和用心的在線購物服務的需求。我們的願景是贏得您對這個真心去實踐這六個關鍵的在線購物網站最大的滿意度。讓您可以一瞬間接觸數千種產品及產品的最新信息,只需輕觸手機或電腦即可隨時隨地輕鬆購買。 GeekerMart 展示了大量的產品,包括智能手機、平板電腦、智能手錶和穿戴設備、相機、數碼影音設備、智能家居/健康/運動和戶外智能精品,家用電器,運動裝備等。我們著眼於質量,受歡迎程度和創新設計的標準,從世界各地和不同品牌中把它們精挑細選出來。 除了B2C電子商務,Geeker Group Limited 一直專注於品牌產品分銷,進出口貿易,企業項目銷售,以及電子商務解決方案。我們非常歡迎任何製造商,經銷商,零售商,在線銷售商和不同領域的企業進行業務合作。請隨時通過電郵 [email protected]或whatsapp / 致電 +852 91981984 與我們聯繫。 About Us : Welcome to Geeker Group Limited official Shopping Site – GeekerMart! GeekerMart was established due to the arising demand of secure, fast, easy, responsible, responsive and heartful online shopping service. Our vision is to win your maximum satisfaction on these six critical assets of a truly awesome online shopping portal; that facilitates your speedy access to thousands of products and their latest information, and easy buying by simply tapping on your mobile phone or computer, anytime and anywhere. In GeekerMart, we display vast categories of products, including smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and wearables, cameras, smart gadgets for audio & visual entertainment/health/lifestyle/Sports & Outdoors, home appliances, sports gear and the like. They are elaborately collected from different brands and regions of the world, in terms of their quality, popularity, and innovation. Other than B2C eCommerce business, Geeker Group Limited has been focusing on brand product distribution, trading, corporate/project sales and End-to-End eCommerce solutions. We do very welcome the approach of any manufacturers, dealers, retailers, online sellers and corporates of different fields for potential business co-operation. Please feel free to contact us via email [email protected] or whatsapp/Signal/call +852 91981984

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