隱私權政策 / Privacy Policy



*** 請注意: THIS ITEM IS NOT FOR SALES 此項不是銷售產品 *** 隱私權政策 : GeekerMart (Geeker Group Limited) 尊重個人資料,致力於執行和遵守保障資料原則根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例的有關規定。我們將盡力確保在處理訂單的流程上,顧客之個人資料和私隱獲得充份的保障。 本私隠政策覆蓋所有本公司擁有和營運的網站、社交平台(facebook,Instagram)和第三方平台(Marketplace)網絡商店。所有使用本公司上述的各平台站點以購物或傳遞資訊的顧客,在使用前,必須已同意及接受以下私隠政策。 所有顧客向我們提供之資料或數據,本公司均只作訂單處理、核實訂單、本公司的網站服務改善、本公司產品活動資訊通知之用。顧客之個人資料絕對不會披露或分享予本公司以外其他人事;當然亦不會以任何形式售予其他公司或機構。 詳情 - 我們收集、使用、儲檔(除信用卡/PayPal或相關資料外)或提供顧客的個人資料作以下用途: 提升或改善客戶在本公司的網站、社交平台、或其他網上商店的使用體驗; 作為顧客在本公司的網站、社交平台或其他網上商店註冊、核實資料、賬號處理或維護之用; 在本公司的網站或網上商店購買訂單之處理; 本公司與顧客在業務相關的溝通(訂單情況、產品資料、或活動資訊等等) 為防止虛假交易、非法行為或不當使用本公司網站、社交平台及其他網上商店而作出的檢查、調查、核實; 為伺服器維護、網站網絡數據分析等,有限度和不與本私隠政策抵抵觸的前提下,提供與我們的服務供應商。 顧客若在「公開範圍」上傳/上載、散佈或分享的資訊(*公開範圍:本公司網站、社交平台或其他網上商店裡的討論區或意見表達區域): 在這些公開範圍裡,我們強烈建議顧客在呈上、分享或上載個人訊息或敏感資料之時,必須特別注意;顧客需對有關之上傳/上傳/上載、散佈或分享的切內容及有關行為完全負責。此項不包括在本公司的私隱政策保障之內,我們將不對任何後果付上責任。 顧客在使用本公司網站、社交平台或其他網上商店之前,如並無在事前書面通知或咨詢本公司有關對本私隱政策反對的話,本公司將視作顧客對本私隱政策的全部內容同意和接受。 PRIVACY POLICY : GeekerMart (Geeker Group Limited) takes privacy rights as a serious concern. We strictly comply with the principles of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong during order processing related to all our products and services. The following Privacy Policy covers our website, social media (facebook and instagram page) and marketplace stores which are owned and operated by GEEKER GROUP LTD. By using the GEEKER GROUP LTD website, social media pages and our other online stores, submitting information or using any of our products and/or services, you are agreeing with and accepting the terms and the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy. All data provided by our customers is used for the sole purpose of processing order(s), identifying information of the corresponding order(s), our online portals service enhancement and our direct marketing only. Customer personal data shall never be disclosed to any third parties. Customer data shall not be shared, or sold in any way. In details, we may collect, use, store (except credit card, paypal or related information) and provide your personal data for any of the following purposes including: To enhance or improve user experience, within GEEKER GROUP LTD. website, social media pages and other online stores. To register, verify, process and maintain your account on our website, social media pages and other online stores. To process your orders and/or transactions on our website and other online stores. To communicate with our customer about information of our products and/or services. To detect, investigate, identify and protect against and/or preventing fraudulent transactions and other misuses of our website, social media pages and other online stores which may violate our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions or may be illegal. To provide third party service provider(s) engaged by us to provide services for or in relation to our site, to process data on our behalf, to provide information technology support to us and/or conduct maintenance of our servers, data banks and databases, including but not limited to IT contractor(s), website analytic service provider(s), data processor(s) and service provider(s) for database management systems. When a customer posts, contribute or share any content to "public areas" such as but not limited to the Forum or Review or Comments section of our facebook and instagram page, and our other online stores; the content you submit will be made available to the general public. To protect your privacy, we would recommend that you exercise caution when submitting, sharing or posting on such public area any personal data or sensitive information. You are entirely responsible for your use of our website/page/other online stores, for all of the contents that you submit or post on them, for any and all activities that occur under your account, and for ensuring, protecting and safeguarding the confidentiality and the security of your account. Customer who does not acknowledge us in advance right before you use and/or purchase from our websites, social media and marketplace, any facts of objection or question of this Privacy Policy in written format, we shall consider and treat as the acceptance and/or consent of customer upon our Privacy Policy and all above phases.
